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We curate industry
We curate industry
best-practices to enable you
best-practices to enable you
to revolutionize your
to revolutionize your
employee benefits.
employee benefits.

Healthcare Revolution is the evolution of more than a decade of work with executives and key stakeholders within the space of employer benefits, self-funded healthcare, and corporate well-being. Powered by Global Healthcare Resources, the movement originated with its first event in 2007, then known as the Employer Healthcare & Benefits Congress. With 14 years of conferences, well over 20,000 professionals have convened to discuss topics related to best-practices for decision makers that look after their employees' well-being.

Healthcare Revolution was an annual event that professionals far and wide attend, but has evolved into something that is more than a one-time-a-year thing. Healthcare Revolution is a year-round movement. With the launch of 3 "moonshots" in 2021, HREV is now bringing executives together in new ways to achieve a shared vision that spans the entire industry, allowing for collaboration that is like nothing ever seen before.

Brought to You by The Executives of:


Reduce employer healthcare and benefits costs by 25% by 2025.​

Organizations need to reimagine their current models– and their current vendors. ​ We must eliminate shiny baubles and service providers that cannot demonstrate a significant impact and ROI. Organizations need to prioritize solution providers that focus on utilization patterns, the quality of care, outcomes, and reduction of costs. Healthcare and benefits design needs to be reimagined with a new post-pandemic strategic focus on cost reduction and better outcomes with incentives, proper education, and programs that demonstrate evidence-based measurable success.

click the arrows to view the 3 moonshots

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Reduce employer healthcare and benefits costs by 25% by 2025.​

Organizations need to reimagine their current models– and their current vendors. ​ We must eliminate shiny baubles and service providers that cannot demonstrate a significant impact and ROI. Organizations need to prioritize solution providers that focus on utilization patterns, the quality of care, outcomes, and reduction of costs. Healthcare and benefits design needs to be reimagined with a new post-pandemic strategic focus on cost reduction and better outcomes with incentives, proper education, and programs that demonstrate evidence-based measurable success.


Reimagine engagement and well-being.

Let’s re-envision organizational well-being and corporate culture in a post-pandemic world and share best practices at achieving optimal organizational well-being that encompasses both the organization and the employees. ​​ This new world and way of life presents new complexities, opportunities, and challenges that require us to rethink how we "do" well-being, in and outside of work. While we need to rebuild the foundation of corporate culture in each organization, we need to focus priorities on mental health, stress & anxiety, resilience, and financial well-being to make employees happier, healthier, and more productive. ​ Employee-employer relationships need a re-design. An organization’s success is tied to its employees' success and well-being. ​


Provide 40% of healthcare services virtually and through technology by 2025.​

Care is accessed and utilized in a whole new way in 2021. The previous year, pandemic and all, has pushed us to adapt. No longer are we reliant on an in-person visit for various types of care.​ Organizations should keep up with advancements in care and invest in virtual access and technology solutions across the entire spectrum: primary and urgent care, disease management, screening and diagnostics, specialty care, pharma, and health plan and benefits management.  ​ Organizations need to shift to diagnose and intervene with conditions at earlier stages, eliminate gaps in care, monitor conditions, identify new trends, and eliminate unnecessary medical care such as unnecessary ER visits and hospitalizations– all through new technology solutions. ​

Reimagine engagement and well-being.


Royal Caribbean
Harvard Medical School
Royal Caribbean
Join forces with thousands of
Join forces with thousands of
companies that are transforming
companies that are transforming
the business of health
the business of health
Imagine a world where employers, governments, brokers, consultants, agents, & solution providers, could come together to discuss best-practices. But don't stop at imagining – you can be a part of this world.



How can I get involved with one of the private roundtables?

Healthcare Revolution roundtables are organized by Global Healthcare Resources and consist of private groups of employers and/or brokers. If you are a senior-level executive at an organization that is self-funded with more than 1,000 employees, or you are an executive with who represents clients that are such, you can let us know that you'd be interested in participation by clicking here.

Is there any cost to participate in Healthcare Revolution?

Participation comes in various shapes and sizes. The quick answer would be, "no". Most activities, outside of our physical events, are free and open to the public. Employers and brokers/consultants can participate for free. However, there are different levels of participation, depending on your organization type, such as sponsorship which is available for solution providers that desire to become a household name in the self-funded employer benefits space.

How can my company get involved with speaking at an event?

If you are a self-funded employer, broker, or consultant, you can potentially earn an invitation to speak at one of our events by applying here. If you are a solution provider, you can potentially sponsor and speak at one of our events if you qualify, and you can inquire about sponsorship here.

How can my organization sponsor a webinar, whitepaper, or other activity?

Sponsorship is a great way to elevate brand awareness with your desired audience. While sponsorship does entail a fee, we want to ensure that our sponsors are aligned with our shared industry vision regardless. If your organization aligns with one of our moonshots and you are providing a revolutionary benefit to employers, you can inquire about sponsorship here.

Will there continue to be Healthcare Revolution conferences?

Of course! Our 14th event was in May 2022, and you can access that conference website here. Organizing conferences, both physical and virtual, entails a multitude of factors, so we usually announce our events 4-6 months out.






